Train your next Teamwith Confidence

The Team Member Edition of the Short-term Missions Trip Workbook, together with the Scrums Curriculum Pack, includes comprehensive training in every area your team will need for a successful trip!

Training in 8 critical areas is provided in the easy-to-follow lessons and micro-trainings.

Our Biblically-solid, field-tested training is thorough yet efficient. It is also customizable for your trip and your team.
Comprehensive user guides and teaching notes in the companion leader resources (Leader Playbook 02 ) will ensure that Compass-trained leaders will be well-prepared to use the Workbook to train their teams confidently and effectively.
01 FOUNDATIONSThe Why and How of your Training

Foundations will help your team understand the "why" of their trip and training. Get everyone on the same page in a few short lessons!

Contains all the guided worksheets, discussion prompts, and optional short quizzes you'll need.

Includes essential background on short-term missions, discipleship, the Great Commission, and the structure of pre-trip training sessions.

02 LOGISTICAL RESOURCESForms and Information

All the trip administration and management documents are conveniently grouped in this section of the Workbook.

Pages include useful forms and sheets such as travel details, timelines, trip details, key dates and deadlines, and application forms.

There are also custom, trip-specific forms and policies which have been developed by the trip organizer.

03 SCRUMSYour Team Training Sessions

Here you'll discover why and how the Compass Scrum system is so effective at training STM teams.

Short, interactive (worksheet) lessons, check-your-knowledge quizzes, and reflection questions will help your team think through the training they will undergo.

They will understand how and why they can be confident that they are receiving excellent training and will be more likely to engage fully in all 8 training areas.

You'll also find the worksheets you'll need for each of your scrums, both before (pre-trip) and during the trip (on-field).

04 TRAINING RESOURCESMicro-trainings and Information

This section of the Workbook contains micro-trainings and key information. It includes training on how to give a salvation testimony, fundraising ideas, a sample support letter, cultural training, travel skills, and recommended reading for growth and change.

*The Scrums Curriculum resources and Leader Playbook, available separately as part of the Leader's resources, provide training in the other areas, such as Bible study, prayer, and team-building.


To find out more about how to become a Compass-trained Leader and gain access to the Team Workbook and Scrums Curriculum, check out our train-the-trainer resources.

These include Boot Camp (our self-paced, online mini course and one-on-one coaching), the Leader Training Playbook (Trip and Team Development), and the Scrums Curriculum (done-for-you resources to use in your training sessions).

Apply Now to begin the process (space is limited because of the one-on-one coaching component.)