The Great Commandment – MD Issue #43
As disciplers, we must understand that to live out the Great Commission in Mathew 28, we must first learn to live out the Great Commandment in Matthew 22 – “love your neighbor”.…
“What’s in your boat?” – MD Issue #42
After the miraculous feeding of the 5,000, the disciples should have been filled with courage and not worried about the storm. But they weren’t!…
‘Familyship’ around the World – MD Issue #41
One of the great privileges of serving the Lord in global ministries is the strong bond that develops between Christian Brothers and Sisters. We have a spiritual family!…
Disciples Helping Disciples – MD Issue #40
Penny and I just returned from a 3800-mile Compass 28:19 ministry trip across seven states, ministering in churches, visiting Compass donors and supporters, and also seeing some of our family members. More than once, while on our trip, we had dear folks ask us, “How do you stay so long on the road?”. My answer – God’s grace and the loving care and ‘housepitality’ of many disciples along the way……
God’s Protection – MD Issue #39
Some of the greatest experiences I’ve enjoyed in career ministries were while I was the Director of Africa in the home office for our mission agency at the time. I would travel to the various countries in Africa and work with the 70 plus missionaries under my charge. They were serving the Lord and their Sending Church, from the country of Mali in northwest Africa, to those serving in central Africa, all the way down…
Discipleship on the Move – MD Issue #38
The journey to develop into a masterful surgeon is a grueling five-years of intense training that will require grit, resiliency, sleepless nights, time away from family, devoted study, and immense sacrifice. The similarities to being a disciple who obeys the Great Commission are striking…